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When Milliseconds Matter

Depending on its destination, a data packet may traverse several networks, and miles of fiber-optic cables before it reaches its recipient. If this were being depicted in a movie, you’d see bright flashes of light...

Cyxtera Technologies • 3 minute read

Hybrid IT, Connectivity

Data Centers

Steady State in Seattle

The Spheres bring to mind everything that Seattle has come to embody in the 21st century United States – innovative spaces, environmental awareness, and some of the world's largest tech companies. While Amazon might be...

Jason Galindo • 3 minute read

Hybrid IT, Enterprise Bare Metal, Colocation


The Importance of Being Connected

Whether personal or professional, social or emotional, the concept (and reality) of connection has played a powerful role in society, largely unchanged since the dawn of man. 2020 ushered in a new era of how we...

Cyxtera Technologies • 3 minute read

Hybrid IT, Connectivity

Data Centers

When It Comes to Data Centers, Chicago Is Second City No More

Chicago is the fifth largest and one of the most diversified economies and tech hubs in the world. It’s no wonder it’s been nicknamed “the city that works.” Financial services, manufacturing, insurance, health,...

David Gancarczyk • 3 minute read

Hybrid IT, Enterprise Bare Metal, Colocation

Data Centers

A Smarter Data Center Experience with CareAR

You’re getting an alert that there’s trouble with one of the servers in your environment at Cyxtera’s colocation facility in Chicago. Trouble is, you’re in Boise. While there was a time when you would have found...

Cyxtera Technologies • 2 minute read



In-house Innovation, Global Expansion Define Q1 2022

It’s a widely accepted belief in the business world that innovation drives growth. Come up with a slick new product or solution that appeals to your target market (or better still, a wider audience), sell the heck out...

Cyxtera Technologies • 3 minute read


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